Pictured are some Life Care Pregnancy Center volunteers, staff
members and board of directors members who attended a luncheon honoring LCPC of Carthage, N.C., volunteers
for 2015. (Click on photo to enlarge it.)
Life Care Pregnancy Center (LCPC) of Carthage recently held its “Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon 2015” at Sandhills Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Southern Pines, North Carolina.
“Each volunteer is a piece of the puzzle,” said Suzanne Clendenin,
LCPC’s executive director, speaking to luncheon attendees, including some
members of LCPC’s board of directors. “You’re very, very important. You’re ‘puzzle
piece.’ You’re ‘His workmanship.’”
referred to Ephesians 2:10: “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ
Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, so that we should walk in
“A piece of a puzzle can go only in one spot,” Clendenin said. “The
constellations are nothing compared to you. You’re created for it [LCPC work]
and we appreciate it.”
Pictured above are Eileen Giglio, client services director for LCPC of Carthage, and Suzanne Clendenin, executive director for LCPC of Carthage.
Pictured below is Alice Alston, a veteran LCPC volunteer.
Alice Alston, who “gave out 18,000 diapers” through LCPC during 2015 spoke next.
“I’ve known Suzanne about 13 years,” Alston said. “I organized the
‘Mommy Room’ [at LCPC].”
LCPC is open Tues. through Thurs. from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
“Tues.-Wed.-Thursday is my spiritual time, when I can give service
to someone besides myself,” Alston said.
Eileen Giglio, LCPC client services director, presented
certificates to volunteers in appreciation for their hours of work at the
“Everybody just comes in and goes to work,” she said. “Every day
is an adventure – new clients, old client. They love what we offer and come
back for what you offer. Volunteers don’t get paid because they’re priceless.”
Around 28 ladies now serve as LCPC volunteers, Giglio said.
Parents can attend free weekly parenting classes at LCPC until
their children are two years old. Free one-on-one sessions are available for
moms who are pregnant and/or have a child under two years old. Call (910)
947-6199 for information. See “Life Care Pregnancy Center” on Facebook and at
LCPC offers pregnancy tests and limited ultrasounds. An ultrasound
confirms a pregnancy also gives a client the opportunity to see her baby. Since
August 2014, LCPC has “performed 92 ultrasounds,” Clendenin said.
Pictured is Lorraine Buracker.
Lorraine Buracker, an LCPC volunteer leads a “Teaching Your
Children about God” group every other Wed. from noon to 1:00 p.m. at the
LCPC is “a Christ-centered ministry that promotes the sanctity of
human life by providing Christian direction,
compassionate care, accurate information and practical assistance for
individuals and families facing crucial decisions surrounding an unplanned
pregnancy or pregnancy-related crisis. LCPC promotes the prevention of
unplanned pregnancies and pregnancy-related crises through abstinence-until-marriage
LCPC is part of Carenet, Heartbeat and Carolina Pregnancy Care Network.
Shown are some members of the LCPC Board of Directors. Suzanne Clendenin is pictured second from the right of the photograph.
Some LCPC volunteers are shown enjoying a "gift exchange" game at the "volunteer appreciation luncheon."